Wednesday, July 27, 2011


We have our bags close to being ready to go!  The past few days it has become abundantly clear how priviledged our family is to be chosen by God to raise Maren.  Danial was telling Mora, Bryce, and Bennett at bedtime tonight how they each have unique gifts and qualities, which God has given them, that God chose not just the parents, but even the siblings for Maren. 

We head to St. Louis in the morning, where Wynnette (Michelle's twin sis) will take us to the airport.
We would really appreciate your continued prayer support these next two weeks as we travel to get Maren.  Below you will see a general itinerary and some known prayer requests.  We will try to update the blog while in China (we will actually be emailing it to Nicole, Michelle's sister, who will make the postings). Thank you for your encouragement, support, and love displayed to us on this journey.

Thursday, July 28th:
We depart from St.Louis at 3:45PM, fly to Detroit, and onto Beijing.  PRAYER REQUESTS: no lost luggage, no canceled flights, and make all connections; Wynnette and Iain: strength as they watch our children; Mora, Bryce, and Bennett: God's peace and presence to be felt (Bryce and Bennett have more concerns with separation since their Aunt Tammie died unexpectedly last month).

Friday, July 29th:
We arrive in Beijing at 11PM China time.  PRAYER REQUESTS: safe arrival to Beijing, an opportunity to rest in anticipation of the upcoming events

Saturday, July 30th:
We have orientation with our adoption agency in the morning and a tour of Tienanmen Square and the Forbidden City in the afternoon.  We are told this day is to get somewhat acclimated to the culture and context of Maren's first residence. PRAYER REQUESTS: calmness for Maren's soul before the big change she is about to experience

Sunday, July 31st:
We depart Beijing (via air travel) at 11:25AM and arrive in Changchun City around 1:10.  Changchun City is where Maren's orphanage is located.  PRAYER REQUESTS: quiet our souls as Danial and Michelle have an afternoon/evening to spend praying and preparing to receive Maren the next day; pray for safe travels as Wynnette and Renee meet to transfer kids

Monday, August 1:
We are scheduled to receive Maren at 9AM at the Civil Affairs Office with lots of paperwork to follow. PRAYER REQUESTS: sweet Maren will be placed with people she does not know (us)...please pray for God to touch her soul so that she can be comforted and loved..this will be a very hard day (weeks, possibly months) for her

Tuesday, August 2:
We go to apply for Maren's passport. PRAYER REQUESTS: God will comfort Maren as she continues to grieve all that is familiar to her as she gets to know her mom and dad...pray for physical and emotional strength for Danial and Michelle so they can adequately display God's great love to her

Wednesday, August 3:
Free day (we are required to stay in Maren's city until her passport is processed on Friday) PRAYER REQUESTS: Continued safety for Mora, Bryce, and Bennett and strength for Renee as she cares for them

Thursday, August 4:
Free day - PRAYER REQUESTS: safe travels for Renee, Grandma Iris, and Mora, Bryce, and Bennett as the children switch caregivers; that Maren will allow us to provide her care and demonstrate unconditional love as she grieves 

Friday, August 5:
We depart Changchun City (via air travel) at 4:45PM and arrive in Guangzhou around 8:55PM.  (We have to go to Guangzhou for Maren's visa requirements). PRAYER REQUESTS: Maren to be able to emotionally tolerate this trip (she has not left the orphanage, let alone be confined to a person's lap on an airplane) and allow us to comfort her; Danial and Michelle's emotional strength - we are told leaving this city of her birth is quite difficult - knowing this is where God first placed her and the significance of her leaving the only thing familiar to her, yet knowing God has prepared a better earthly home for her (*highly recommend reading "Adopted for Life" by Russell Moore; he describes this beautifully)

Saturday, August 6:
Maren has to have a medical check-up this day. PRAYER REQUESTS: Maren would trust us as she is poked and prodded by strangers; that Maren receives medical clearance for her visa

Sunday, August 7:
Free day (we are required to stay in Guangzhou until Maren's visa is processed on Wednesday) PRAYER REQUESTS: Danial and Michelle's being homesick for our children at home (we hear that most adoptive families are quite homesick by this point in the trip); pray for strength for Iris, Nancy, and Calesse as they keep our children

Monday, August 8:
Free day - PRAYER REQUESTS: Maren's continued bonding and attachment to her mom and dad, rest for us as we experience loss of sleep, time change effects, and emotional strains of being away from home; and Mora, Bryce, and Bennett

Tuesday, August 9:
We have a visa appointment and an oath-taking ceremony.  We have heard this can be intimidating, as they interview the parents.  PRAYER REQUESTS: Calmness and confidence as we go through this ceremony and that our love for Maren clearly shines through to those around

Wednesday, August 10:
Our visa is schedule to be picked up Wednesday afternoon.  We are taken to a train station and arrive in Hong Kong around 8:08PM.  We check into our hotel which is attached to the Hong Kong airport. PRAYER REQUESTS: that our visa is not delayed in picking up, safe train trip

Thursday, August 11:
BIG DAY!  We leave Hong Kong at 8:05AM and arrive in Tokyo around 2:00PM; then onto Detroit (where we will need to clear customs and Maren will become a U.S. citizen once she clears immigration there); then onto St.Louis around 6:15PM. We literally skip 13 hours with the time change, thus the extreme jet lag we hear reported. We will then travel to home Thursday evening. PRAYER REQUESTS: Safe travels, no flight delays (we will be cutting it close in Tokyo with a one hour layover), safe travels for those meeting us at the airport...for Mora, Bryce, and Bennett as they meet their little sister for the first time


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